Saturday, January 28, 2017

Part 1: Twitter Gets Visual

Long gone are the days where Twitter represents snippets of text. In fact, Twitter is becoming more visual, similarly to Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. These days, brands are starting to post images and photos to promote user and content engagement, as tweet with graphics stands out on Twitter feed and are twice as likely to be click, favorite and re-tweet

Check out the top 3 hacks:

1) Shortened URL

Still using http:// in Twitter when you paste a link? 
You gotta catch up! 

Everybody is using, and to shorten the length of the URL for optimize sharing and tracking analytics to measure campaign performance.

2) Blog-post Thumbnail
Share blog post on Twitter and thumbnail image not displayed? 
Fret not! 

One simply needs to customize meta tags on the blog html template. Check out this tutorial on How to Add Twitter Summary Card with Large Image to Blogger Blog -->

Within the code, 
· Replace with own Twitter <username> and Blog Post <URL>.

If the thumbnail STILL doesn't appear after following the steps above, check the alternative:

Upload Image and a Separate Link -->
It is as easy as 1. Add a supported image file (JPG, PNG format) and 2. Shortened URL link !

3) 3rd Party Website Thumbnail

Paste other site links in Twitter but no image appears? 

All of us wants to make our twitter feed as visually appealing as possible. Check out this two-minutes tutorial on How to post a Content in Twitter with Thumbnail Show ->

Step 1: Copy & Paste the original URL (http://,, or on twitter and tweet it out.

Step 2: Right click the tweeted link, copy link address and paste on a new tweet

Step 3: Delete the original tweeted link, then tweet out the new link. TA-DA!

If the thumbnail doesn't appear, just switch to the image-and-separate-link alternative!

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